Welcome to my blog
read my blog, travel with me
Chances are you might have seen me, somewhere on the way, somewhere in your country. I like to travel. I really do. And I like to share my impressions, images and thoughts with you, oh my dear visitor.
Those are the places
I've seen to share with you
Read all about the wonderful places, experiences and look at the images from this beautiful place called Earth
[as_prod_cats subtitle_color=»#999999″ product_cats=»photo-gear,travel-gear» menu_columns=»2″ remove_gutter=»yes» img_width=»400″ img_height=»400″ text_color=»rgba(0,0,0,0.7)» overlay_color=»rgba(255,255,255,0.25)»]
What I use
gear for travelers
some of the brand products I use, get them ,too